School Consultant
Occupational Therapy strategies & access to education 
Specialist Handwriting Support
Holistic approach to facilitate improvement which is as individual as the child

01 Occupational Therapy

I provide meaningful and purposeful intervention in the functional contexts of school and home. 

Services include:

  • EOTAS package support
  • School Readiness
  • Classroom observations
  • Handwriting legibility
  • Strategies for supporting keeping on task and behaviour 
  • Tools and techniques for emotional regulation
  • Building  with adult team around the child
  • Regular face to face therapy sessions - fortnightly / monthly / half termly or once a term
  • Weekly Zoom® Boosts for momentum and continuity

Session at home or at school: For appointments 

Monday to Friday
09h00 to 15h00 depending on location

School holidays by prior arrangement only

02 Supporting Schools

I support schools in several ways including: 

  • 1 to 1 therapy sessions at school / home / Zoom®or or a combination
  • Set-up and supporting sensory diets
  • Teaching of whole class strategies
  • SENCO consultancy
  • Engagement in multi disciplinary team meetings
  • Documentation support for EHCPs and learning support plans
  • Staff mentoring and supervision session
  • Staff inset sessions / training days
  • Workshops for parents / grandparents / carers
  • In class working with teachers and support staff
  • Handwriting clinic for support staff in your school
  • Pre-school writing preparation activities
  • Delivery of handwriting / motor / sensory and life skills programmes for small groups
  • Skill transfer for staff's professional development to support the sustainability of OT programmes


 Solutions tailored to support a child's needs
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 About me

 I strive to improve a child's quality of life
Michelle is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years’ experience across a broad range of disciplines. In today's society, computers dominate children's lives resulting in less time being spent learning how to write. Michelle continues to work in person  within the Surrey and London area, or via Zoom helping schools develop their lesson plans, classroom activities and coaching teaching staff.
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Satisfied Clients

“We were very impressed with Michelle’s professional, organised and thorough approach in assessing our son’s writing difficulties. Her gentle nature and engaging approach helped to gain our son’s attention immediately. Afterwards, Michelle took extra time to discuss her findings and helpful recommendations. This was quickly followed up by a detailed report that we could send to our son’s school to assist us in getting the additional support he needed. Time and money well spent ”
Parent, Guildford
“W's teacher was astounded by the amount of writing and neatness. She told the school at assembly he is now writing like an 8 year old. The work is going to be displayed on the head teacher's "wow" board with an example of his writing at the start of Year 3. He had to show the head teacher who gave him a Head Teacher's Award - we are so proud. Interestingly, he did this writing after he had been playing football for 45 minutes. I was in tears at the assembly as you can imagine.”
Parent, Effingham
“I attach a picture of N English Test work. How AMAZING is her writing! We are delighted. Thank you!!!" 
Parent, St Catherine's,  Bramely
“Just had to share O's practicing of e and r on the garage wall today. I can see his progress and I'm so grateful we connected with you and he can have so much fun learning letters." 
Parent, West Horsley



Advice, recommendations, information

by Michelle van Rooyen 02 Feb, 2021
21 things every parent needs to know about cursive handwriting
by Michelle van Rooyen 11 Sept, 2019
Often it is the simple things in life which can make a significant difference. This is one of the many products available. It's benefits include: Reduced shoulder stress when writing and colouring - developing shoulder girdle and wrist stability. Stimulates visual processing and learning Reading is on the same angle, so supports ease of scanning for tasks requiring visual tracking. Easier to copy off of the board as less eye shift to different visual planes. Increases arm reach access to entire page. Promotes fine motor skills by encouraging comfortable wrist extension which provides further grip efficiency of the writing tool. Facilitates dynamic tripod grip for legible and fluent handwriting.
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